
I’m sure we have all experienced challenges in life and at times questioned what is it all about. I believe we (humans) are masters at over complicating things and if we are to strip everything back the only thing that matters is to be happy.

Often, I’ve asked myself: is happiness the single most important thing for us to experience? From a young age I never really took to school but I had a real passion for physical training and learning about the body and mind. Later in life I started to ask deep questions, why were some people so happy and others with similar lives were so sad?

This curiosity and a passion to learn about the mind and body lead me to study human behavior and performance. The passion led me to become a coach & mentor in the military in 2002, responsible for the performance of my peers and highly ranked officers.

18 years on I am even more passionate to help people tap into the unlimited potential we all have inside us. Having studied the mind and behavior for many years and gaining coaching qualifications as well as being a practitioner in NLP. I want to show people that our personal circumstances don’t control how we feel, it is down to the perception we have to the circumstances.

Every result we have ever got in life, every emotion we have experienced, every action we have taken and continue to take boils down to two things, controlling the lot: our values and beliefs but the thing is 90% of what we do is on auto pilot. We are controlled by the subconscious mind. Recently my work has become recognised throughout the UK and Europe. Thousands of success stories of children becoming more confident, adults completely transforming their life. People suffering from years of mental health challenges happier than they have ever been.

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